Ibón Zugasti, Reason to choose Islantilla for my stages
During the month of January the professional cyclist, Ibón Zugasti, trained at the facilities of our resort in Islantilla. There he was able to enjoy a unique natural environment, exclusive facilities and the tranquillity of the area, solid and objective arguments for any sportsman to think about our offer to live his “stages” with full guarantees.
A good sample of his stay in our establishment can be read in his activity in social networks, not in vain a legion of followers in Instagram, they comment, laugh and share their contents and in some way they can experience the adventures of this peculiar sportsman who does not leave anyone indifferent … and so, he agreed with pleasure to ask him some questions, a questionnaire that allowed us to know him much more.
– What tests have you been preparing in Huelva?
“During these weeks I am training hard and strong for the Mediterranean Epic in Castellón and also for the Colina Triste in Burgos”, he says with his usual energy and loquacity.
We are left with the doubt of whether we will see him running the South Africa race… and we cross our fingers that he will do so and provide us with many funny pictures and comments during his participation.
In the case of Castellón, the official venue will be Oropesa de Mar and it will take place on May 9th. A very popular long-distance race among cycling professionals and amateurs.
– After your stay and training with us, why would you recommend experiencing some of the annual stages and training here?
“It has many advantages and benefits for someone like me, it’s a very quiet area, with no unevenness, to try out riding strong and constant and on a well-treated, well-surfaced terrain. And what to say about the landscape and the weather, Huelva and its light, the proximity to the beach … but above all I would emphasize that there is a great respect for the cyclist”
Our facilities, and especially the apartment resort where we had Ibón, represent a plus for disconnection and relaxation, as they include all the benefits that guarantee a stay 10 with all the needs well attended. Parking, nearby shop, internet and everything that an athlete like Ibón can not miss for their training days are optimal.
Finally, we ask you how you see the world of cycling, both in the professional and in the cyclotourist aspects. He has it very clear:
“Professional cycling is going through a very important generational change, with great figures who have set the bar very high and who are passing the baton to young promises with great potential, but there are still teams missing…”
And what can we say about cycling tourism that has exploded in a brutal way, the amateur dresses like the professionals, wants to and surrounds himself with good material, the sect has opened up in such a way that right now it is a trend and is associated and assimilated to other sports activities such as golf… a snag? that Spain being a cycling powerhouse still has few women in its group. But as he says “It’s on fire…”
Angela Medrano
DirCom GAT, Tourism Asset Management.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)